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All information about orders in a single pane of glass

Cyklos, výrobní družstvo, Choltice
Turnover240 milions crowns
More about the company
The manufacturing cooperative Cyklos Choltice is a traditional Czech company with a history going back more than 90 years. The original focus on the production of print duplicators has gradually been replaced by the manufacture of machines for print finishing and customised metal working. The cooperative has business partners in all European countries, in North and South America, the Middle East, India, Africa and Australia. Since 2018 more than 50 users have been operating the K2 system in the cooperative.
Since 2018 with K2 ERP


5 400
of processed orders per year


Scope of K2 implementation in Cyklos Choltice
The K2 information system is implemented in all business activities, including the use of barcodes in production and warehouses. The system offers complete information for each order, from the receipt of the order, through the approval process to the delivery dates. Thanks to IS K2, it was also possible to optimize processes in warehouses.

Interesting facts from the K2 ERP implementation
  • Monitoring of long-term contracts for the supply of machines.
  • Import of the customer's order CSV file of document returns in isDoc.
  • Interlinking of trade and production with material coverage and automatic proposal of raw material orders.
  • A set workflow for the passage of the order through the company from receipt of the order, through the approval process and acceptance of production to the date of shipment.
  • Use of barcodes in production and warehouses.

„Before the deployment of IS K2, the Cyklos team had a high standard in the business processing of received orders. I appreciate the most that this standard was not only preserved, but also expanded with additional information thanks to the comprehensive K2 solution, in which it was integrally connected with subsequent production into a single unit. Within three days, a confirmation is sent to the customer about the approval of the technology, material coverage of the production and the dates of shipment of the finished product.“
Pavel Motan, K2 executive director

Thanks to IS K2, we have achieved improvements in the planning and management of production and logistics. Today, we have better traceability of orders as they pass through the company, as well as greater user friendliness for our employees. Today we need fewer people to do the same job in accounting or logistics.
Karel Komárek, chairman of the cooperative Cyklos Choltice, v. d.

Let's discuss it!
Hanka Přádková
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