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Hašpl company has all information in a single pane of glass with Information system K2

Hašpl a.s.
Turnover750 milions crowns
More about the company
Hašpl is one of the leading specialists in fasteners in the construction industry. The company was established in 1991. It currently employs 230 people and its production capacity is about 25,000 tons of nails manufactured and shipped out every year. It supplies its products not only at home but also to the European market. It has been relying on the K2 Information System since 2000.
Since 2000 with K2 ERP

14 000
items in stock

750 mil.
czk annual turnover

9 mil.
of nails produced per day

Scope of K2 implementation in Hašpl
The K2 information system was deployed in the Hašpl company to the maximum extent possible in a standard solution. The IT department uses K2 as a platform for subsequent custom solutions. Thus, the company often implements modifications without the intervention of the manufacturer. The cooperation between K2 and Hašpl works mainly at the level of consultations.

Interesting facts from the K2 ERP implementation
  • Our own solution for production diversion built on K2.
  • K2 completely manages the warehouses, but with the help of a self-written solution in the information system environment.
  • Connection of the e-shop with the K2 Information System realized through own scripts.

The company Hašpl a.s. is one of our customers who went down the path of self-modification in K2. All customers have this option and it worked out beautifully here. Thanks to knowledge and new ideas, from the point of view of the K2 service, it is practically a completely independent company. Thanks to relatively specific production, whether in terms of speed, quantity or procedures, in K2 they create their own modules for readers in the warehouse and for the removal of production.
Jan Kurfürst, Business Development Manager K2

The K2 ERP system is an open information system that provides us with immediate information about all processes throughout the company. Custom adjustments and reports that we need are a huge advantage. We can always rely on the support offered by the system and the team of experts from K2

Karel Langr, chairman of the board in Hašpl a.s.

Let's discuss it!
Hanka Přádková
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