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The K2 information system reserves the necessary material when receiving the order

PRAMOS, a.s.
Turnover450 milions crowns
More about the company
PRAMOS is one of the largest manufacturers of plastic and aluminum windows and doors in our country. The company offers a distinctive Czech know-how and 100% Czech production. It was established in 1995 and today boasts 29 sales offices throughout the Czech Republic. They have been using the Enterprise version of the K2 Information System since 2003.
17 years with K2 ERP


400 mil.
czk annual turnover

5000 m²
storage areas

Scope of K2 implementation in PRAMOS

PRAMOS uses the K2 Information System to run practically the entire company. The information system is also connected to specialized design software for window production, online. In addition, the company operates several of its own companies in a single database and in one installation of the K2 Information System. Thanks to this, management reports with consolidated data are available to him.

Interesting facts from the K2 ERP implementation
  • Online connection of the K2 Information System with the design software controlling the actual production of windows.
  • Automatic creation of production documents and reservation of the necessary material.
  • The use of the management of several own companies in one K2 installation, specifically managed by PRAMOS, TSH Plast and Zemědělské družstvo Šitbořice.
  • The own B2C e-shop for the sale of warehouse windows runs directly in the K2 Information System.

During the implementation, the connection of the design software for window design with the production module in the K2 Information System was key. Thanks to the use of the open K2 application interface, it is thus possible to send windows from the design software to production online, automatically, without the need for manual transcription.
Petr Figura, K2 project manager

K2 has the best people. I won't allow the team around Petr Figura. Whenever we come up with an idea, they help us organize our thoughts and propose a solution, which we then use in a practically unchanged form for several years. In K2, we handle absolutely everything. It's really good software in my opinion. At first glance, it may seem overly complicated, but once you get into it, it makes sense.

Vlastimil Viktorin, Member of the Board, PRAMOS, a.s.

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Hanka Přádková
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