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Production material automatically ordered by K2 IS

KAMPOS, s.r.o.
Turnover155 milions crowns
More about the company
The KAMPOS group is one of the leading manufacturers of connectors and cable harnesses used in the automotive industry, as well as in the production of machines, microscopes and household appliances. The group is also known as an experienced, reliable and professional partner in logistics and business activities, mainly due to the leasing of premises in the logistics center in Kuřim, and to warehouse handling and other logistics services. At present, KAMPOS supplies its products to 80% of Western automotive companies. The K2 Information System, which they have relied on since 2014, is a part of it.
Since 2014 with K2 ERP

101 mil.
of manufactures
connectors per year

11 000
issued job cards every month

companies served
in the logistics area

Scope of K2 implementation in KAMPOS
The most important task of the K2 Information System in the KAMPOS group is production management. The system can automatically create a binding material order based on shared tables with the general material supplier for production. In addition, the K2 ERP system helped streamline the work of the payroll office and takes care of logistics, warehouses and sales. KAMPOS also uses K2 workflow and reporting options.

Interesting facts from the K2 ERP implementation
  • Use of barcode readers in the warehouse and during production control.
  • The reminder module significantly reduced the volume of funds tied up in received invoices. During the 3 years of using the module, the company practically does not register invoices with a maturity period longer than 30 days.
  • Approval of selected processes through workflow.
  • Connection of IS K2 with the attendance system, thanks to which the accountant receives pre-filled time data with the required category for determining the drawdown of the work fund.
  • The warehouse worker can pick up to 8 orders at once thanks to the controlled warehouse and mobile readers.

The company has been working in K2 for a relatively short time, but even so, K2 is developing in the company. The main driver of innovation in K2 is the company itself. It progressively offers its customers new and new services, so it has to deal with their controlling, processes, settings and the very evaluation of benefits. It is also interesting that the company has several branches that it manages with the help of K2.
Jan Kurfürst, Business Development Manager K2

Thanks to the K2 system, we manage internal processes in the company clearly and efficiently (planning, warehouse management, production, logistics, trade, economics and HR). Over time, we try to use other functionalities that the K2 system offers and in which we see added value for the development of our company.

Ing. Stanislav Sehnal, MBA, executive director in KAMPOS, s. r. o.

Let's discuss it!
Hanka Přádková
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