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Easier management of the entire company thanks to K2

Turnover200 milions crowns
More about the company
Special Turbo a.s. has been on the Czech market since 1995, operating as an authorized distributor and service center for turbochargers and viscous fans. The company uses the K2 e-shop to operate its online store. They have been relying on the K2 Information System since 2003.
17 years with K2 ERP


200 mil.
czk turnover

10 000
listed products

Scope of K2 implementation in Special Turbo
The K2 information system is used by Special Turbo to manage purchasing, sales, warehouse, complete accounting and marketing. In addition, it also uses the possibility to run its own B2C portal directly in the K2 Information System, which works with the same data as the rest of the system.

Interesting facts from the K2 ERP implementation
  • Discount for returned turbocharger – when returning an old turbocharger, the customer receives a discount for a new piece in the shopping cart.
  • The e-shop supports multiple language mutations, including prices and payments in euros.
  • The portal supports both B2C and B2B sales.
  • The implementation of the e-shop also included the introduction of a partner program. Regular customers thus receive rewards for the amount of their subscriptions

Special Turbo has been using K2 for quite a few years. We recently implemented a new, fully responsive B2C e-shop. The e-shop is not only aimed at the typical end customer, it is also used for partner services that order turbochargers through it. An overview of the complete purchase history is a matter of course. The logged-in user can see an overview of his historical orders and issued invoices. Due to the number of products that the company offers, we have implemented detailed search functions in the e-shop. The portal thus makes it easy to search for a suitable turbo for more than 3,000 car models."
Petr Figura, K2 project manager

We have successfully cooperated with the K2 company for many years and thanks to their IS we can effectively manage all data in one place, which significantly facilitates the management of the entire company. When creating the new e-shop, the priority was to connect to this system, and the solution from K2 in the form of their B2C portal ensured trouble-free operation and maximum use of all available information. Thanks to the cooperation with K2, we can fully focus on the development of our business without worrying about our data.
Marek Čupr, Executive account manager

Let's discuss it!
Hanka Přádková
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