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Steel production grows thanks to the K2 information system

Shape Steel a.s.
Turnover316 milions crowns
More about the company
The Ostrava company Shape Steel a. s., is a significant manufacturer of shaped cut parts and seller of thick plates. It has been active on the domestic and foreign market for more than 17 years. The firm is based in the area of Dolní Vítkovice, the complex of a National Historical Monument. Its important customers include Thyssenkrupp, Ostroj and Ferrit.
Since 2017 with K2 ERP

active licences K2

years on the market

tons of steel products
per year

Scope of K2 implementation in Shape Steel

The reason why Shape Steel chose K2 is the wide possibilities of adapting the system to company processes. With K2, the company's management got a system that they could count on to suit them in the future as well - no matter which direction the company takes in its development.

Interesting facts from the K2 ERP implementation
  • Maximum use of standard K2 functions.
  • A unique solution for carrying out production tailored to the company.
  • Configurator for planning custom production.
  • Records of usable residues from production.
  • Division of the production process into two separate parts – firing and other operations.

At Shape Steel, we tried to use mainly the standard functions of K2. Planning custom production using a special configurator is unique. The latter works over the guides and merges the blanks with the same input material. This solution enables better and more efficient production planning. The configurator also handles the registration of residuals and the dissolution of the price into individual orders. This results in much better use of the available material and financial savings have been achieved.
Radek Kočka, K2 project manager

After deciding on a significant expansion of production, we were looking for software that could handle the management of custom production in our company. We chose K2 because it allows you to gradually add your own modifications, which leads to continuous improvement.
Martin Kovalčuk, financial director of Shape Steel a. s.

Let's discuss it!
Hanka Přádková
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