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The team from Prague

Jakub Krejčiřík K2 team

project manager
Jakub's team implemented and develops, for example, the following companies:
Murtfeldt Plasty s.r.o.
Big Shock s.r.o.
Jakub took over the Prague implementation team in 2022, but in its management, he can rely on his more than ten years of experience in business and project management at another manufacturer of information systems. The team works for a wide range of manufacturing and wholesale companies, advancing them in the area of process efficiency, accounting transparency or warehouse management.The team currently consists of five consultants, one coordinator, and Jakub oversees it in the role of project manager.

Cooperating team K2

Jakub Krejčiřík
project manager
Monika Bartáčková
Kamil Žák
Mikhail Karimov
Radek Kopecký
David Metela
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