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We take care of the complete IT infrastructure of Asental holding

Asental Land, s.r.o.
Turnover120 milions crowns
More about the company
The Asental Group is a real estate group that includes some of the most important property owners in the Moravian-Silesian Region. In addition to renting office buildings, it manages extensive land for future development. The Asental Group’s philosophy is to appreciate real estate in a meaningful and long-term way and to contribute to the economic development of the region. The Asental Group uses several subsidiaries for its activities. For this reason, the group mainly uses the services of the K2 Data Center, where not only the K2 Information System itself operates, but also its other systems.
Since 2017 with K2 ERP

data center users

managed entities
using K2

14 000+
individual items of property

Scope of K2 implementation in Asental

In K2, we are responsible for practically everything related to IT in the Asental group. The company uses IT management outsourcing (K2 service technicians take care of all hardware) and private cloud hosting in the K2 Data Center. K2 ERP in the company ensures the accounting of all companies of the group and follows on from the operational system with the management of assets and contracts. This agenda is covered by Asental Land, which also functions as a service company for other members of the Asental group. For that reason, it also uses another of K2's key features – the possibility of managing multiple own companies in a single K2 database.

Interesting facts from the K2 ERP implementation
  • Hosting in the K2 Data Center – all key systems run in a private cloud optimized for the needs of the ERP system.
  • Direct connection to the K2 Data Center using optical cables at a speed of up to 20 Gbps - the same access times as in the case of the internal network are guaranteed.
  • Complete IT outsourcing – K2 technicians manage all PCs, printers, LAN and WiFi in the Asental group.
  • Asset accounting according to Czech legislation and according to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
  • Two-way communication with third-party programs used by the Asental group, including SAP or PIT (facility management).

Above all, for the sake of maximum security and reliability, we gradually moved all server equipment at the customer's location to our data center. All servers and applications, including K2 ERP, run in the K2 Data Center with maximum availability both from our side and, above all, from the customer's side. An integral part is also taking care of the complete network infrastructure so that the connection to the data center is always 100%."
Jiří Rybák, K2 project manager

With K2 behind us, we always have someone to turn to. The quick reactions of technicians and project managers allow us to solve problems without a negative impact on the normal operation of the group. In addition, effective communication with project managers allows us to improve both our own IT management and to solve the necessary adjustments in the K2 system during various corporate changes that we cannot avoid as a group. Updates based on amendments to accounting and tax legislation are a matter of course. Our K2 system can provide information for all companies and for each individual - at any time, in the optimal form and to the required extent.
Jarmila Horáková, financial director in Asental Land, s. r. o.

Let's discuss it!
Hanka Přádková
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